Tras la caída de la Unión Soviética y con el avecinamiento de un nuevo siglo, en 1993 el programa espacial chino realizó reformas profundas, con el fin de garantizar el futuro y la continuidad de proyectos, siendo creada la Administración Nacional Espacial China y la Corporación Aeroespacial e Industrial de China, la primera responsable en planear actividades espaciales y la segunda en desarrollar tecnologías espaciales. Pero sin lugar a dudas su más grande logro fue lanzar y aterrizar con éxito un rover en Marte el Zhurong, el cual aterrizó en 2021, para la realización de distintos experimentos, comenzando las misiones interplanetarias de la nación, siendo el segundo país en hacerlo. De acuerdo con su más reciente reporte técnico, la agencia espacial china ha realizado 207 misiones entre 2016 y 2021; además sus proyectos tienen grandes ambiciones uno de estos, actualmente en marcha, es su estación espacial Tiangong, que busca hacer competencia con la misma estación espacial internacional y las más recientes estaciones espaciales de orden privado. Como hemos visto, China ha pasado por todo un proceso, que, si bien no ha sido de lo más conocidos debido al hermetismo de la misma China, ha tenido un crecimiento exponencial. En unos años, tal vez no veremos solamente una confrontación tecnológica entre los países con una tradición espacial más popular, como Estados Unidos Rusia o incluso Europa, sino que también se tendrá que estar atento en oriente y las sorpresas que China tiene que mostrar. The Chinese space program a story headed for the starsChina is one of the greatest powers in the world; I leave the first or second to the reader's discretion, in less than 30 years it has become a world leader in different sectors, and its space program is one of them. Having an evolution that has been a journey of just over 50 years. This began in the mid-1950s, seeing how the two powers USA and the Soviet Union were fighting for control of world hegemony, China did not want to be left behind, developing programs to encourage technological development, although most of them focused on weapons and nuclear capabilities were the foundations of the space program; Thus, in subsequent years, their first rockets would be launched, such as the R-2, or the Dongfeng-1. The christening of the Chinese program was in 1964 when on July 19, China launched eight mice into space bringing them back safely, being one of the first nations to do so, before this success the leader Mao Ze Dong, was so enthusiastic that he pointed out that to 1967, they should have a manned mission, seeing the missions of the Apollo and Soyuz programs, although unfortunately, this project would never materialize. With the death of Mao in 1976, many projects would be cancelled, putting the space program into hibernation, which would reemerge in the 1980s thanks to the development of intercontinental missiles or ICBMs, the Long March 2C and 3C, in addition to giving rise to in 1985 to a commercial satellite launch program between Europe and China. In the middle of this decade, the Beijing aerospace center was also launched.
With the new agency, in 2003, one of the plans that had been planned for years came to fruition, its first manned mission when Commander Yang Liwei orbited the earth for 21 hours. That same year, the Chinese lunar exploration program known as Chang'e began, sending lunar orbiters in its first phase to map the surface of the moon and the second phase consisting of rovers, YOTU 1 and YOTU 2. kinds of experiments such as the experimentation of insect larvae in a microgravity environment and the germination of seeds. But without a doubt his greatest achievement was successfully launching and landing a rover on Mars, the Zhurong, which landed in 2021, to carry out different experiments, starting the nation's interplanetary missions, being the second country to do so. According to its most recent technical report, the Chinese space agency has carried out 207 missions between 2016 and 2021, in addition, its projects have great ambitions, one of these currently underway is its Tiangong space station, which seeks to compete with the same international space station and the newer space stations of private order
As we have seen, China has gone through a whole process, which, although it has not been the best known, also due in large part to the secrecy of China itself, has had exponential growth and perhaps we will not see only a technological confrontation among the countries with a more popular space tradition such as the United States, Russia or even Europe in the medium-long term future, but we will also have to be attentive to the East and the surprises that China has to show.
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February 2025