La enfermería espacial es una especialidad emergente que se encargará de vigilar y cuidar la salud de los astronautas antes, durante y después de la misión; la forma de llevar a cabo estos cuidados es realizando un examen para determinar el estado físico para el viaje espacial, tratando la posibilidad de que se produzcan problemas durante el tiempo de la misión, como la condición de astronauta causada por la microgravedad o la exposición a la radiación, el aislamiento y otros peligros de los viajes espaciales. La investigación de esta área es vital para ver cómo afectan los viajes espaciales al cuerpo humano y poder mitigar estos efectos negativos sobre nosotros, de esta manera podremos aplicar estas mejoras, tanto en el espacio como en la Tierra. En apoyo a la misión, actuamos como Oficial de Salud ayudando en la planificación de la misión, en los componentes, monitorizando a lo largo de la misión, atentos a cualquier alteración en los cuerpos, para ello se necesitan expertos en el campo de la salud con preparación. La enfermería espacial aún no está establecida debido a la naturaleza de la incipiente era espacial que atravesamos, hay muchas áreas que debemos cubrir integrar en nuestra carrera para hacerla aún más competitiva en el espacio, como obtener la licencia de RN, experiencia en cuidados críticos, estudios en medicina espacial, formación y certificados relacionados con la medicina aeroespacial y más, esto ayudará a crear y construir finalmente la enfermería espacial.
La enfermería espacial del futuro necesitará estaciones espaciales enteras o incluso bases en la Luna o Marte, centrándonos en la investigación sanitaria, necesitamos jóvenes que se centren en crear soluciones que nunca antes hayamos visto para alcanzar un futuro saludable. Astronauts Treating Astronauts / Space NursingNursing has only been associated with hospitals, clinics, and other places here on Earth. Dee O'Hara, the most famous nurse, worked at NASA, who laid the groundwork for the study of space nursing, creating a new path for nurses, making space safer for astronauts. On Earth, we are trying to figure out how to care for our patients in hospitals or conducting research to create new ways to treat a disease that threatens the health of those under our care. Space nursing is an emerging nursing specialty that will be responsible for monitoring and caring for the health of astronauts before, during, and after flight, the way to perform this care is by doing an examination to determine the physical condition for space travel, treating the possibility of problems during the time of the mission, such as the astronaut condition caused by microgravity, radiation exposure, isolation, and other dangers of space travel. Nursing research is vital to see how space travel affects the human body, to be able to mitigate these negative effects on us, and how to apply these improvements, both in space and on earth. In support of the mission, we act as Health Officer helping with mission planning, in the medical components, monitoring throughout the mission, aware of any alterations in the bodies, for this, experts in the health field with preparation are needed. Space nursing is not yet established due to the nature of the early space age we are going through, there are many areas that we need to cover to integrate into our career to make it even more competitive in space, such as obtaining the RN license, experience in critical care, studies in space medicine, training and certificates related to aerospace medicine and more, this will help to create and build finally space nursing. Create emergency response plans and protocols for problems that could arise during space flight based on each astronaut and in general, it depends on the situation. A very important part of our job is the design of spacecraft habitats, space habitats and life support systems, as we have the knowledge in health careers, this task will be part of the work with engineers to create better ones.
Space conditions are a crucial aspect for upcoming space missions, such as movement, nutrition, astronauts' health and more, radiation in space is a problem that still has no solution, we have ways to reduce it but not to stop it completely, space nursing needs new knowledge and could have the solution if we cooperate with other disciplines, such as aerospace, chemical and biological engineering to colonize other planets. Florence Nightingale will have to wait very little time to see a new era of nursing launched into space, where there are fewer patients but space to create solutions based on scientific methods like those of today.
The space nursing of the future will need entire space stations or even bases on the Moon or Mars, focusing on health research, we need young people who focus on creating solutions that we have never seen before to reach a healthy future.
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February 2025