Rayos X en el espacio Los Rayos X, al ser parte del espectro de luz, se pueden encontrar en el espacio como emisiones de los objetos celestes y suelen ser un problema para los astronautas. Este tipo de rayos emiten radiación, radiación por la cual no nos preocupamos en la tierra, ya que la atmosfera es capaz de absorber gran parte de ella, sin embargo, en el espacio, teniendo la ausencia de esta protección, los astronautas dependen de otro tipo de herramientas para sobrevivir; desde paredes cubiertas de cobre hasta escudos magnéticos superconductores e incluso aún con estas protecciones hay un límite de tiempo que un astronauta puede estar expuesto a este entono, aproximadamente 1 año. Esto es principalmente debido a que la única forma en la que el cuerpo humano puede depurarse de la radiación es con tiempo, se requiere un tiempo de descanso a la exposición continua para poder eliminarla, y esto no quita el aumento de riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades como el cáncer. Rayos X en medicina En la medicina este tipo de luz permite ver tejido con alta densidad como lo son los huesos, y es logrado mediante el uso de dispositivos médicos como lo son los tomógrafos, hemodinamias o los Arcos en C. Estos dispositivos cuentan con un tubo de rayos X el cual se encarga la energía suficiente para la creación de los Rayos X. Similar al tubo de Crookes, estos tubos generadores de rayos x se encuentran al vacío y son expuestos a altos voltajes con el final de disparar electrodos con altos niveles de energía, los cuales crean lo que conocemos como rayos x. La ciencia detrás de los Rayos X tanto en la Tierra como en el espacio es bastante compleja, este artículo es únicamente un texto introductorio para cada una de estas ramas que abarcan los Rayos X. Sin embargo, es necesario recordar que los rayos x son radiación y el ser humano no puede estar expuesto a ella por largos periodos de tiempo, ya sea en la Tierra o en el espacio. X-Rays, Medicine, and Space X-rays today are a pain in the ass for anyone planning to live off earth, and ironically, a great tool for healthcare personnel when it comes to medical diagnosis. Broadly speaking, X-rays are light, light that is within the spectrum that is not visible to the human eye, and that is capable of passing through bodies allowing us to see objects with great densities such as bones. It is curious to think that such a useful tool in the health system was discovered so accidentally thanks to the scientist William Crookes, who carried out experiments in what he called Crookes Tube. In the image we can see the hand of Crookes' wife and the black object on her finger is a ring. Even from this moment, x-rays let us understand that their color in the images depends on the density they try to pass through.
Crookes came to this discovery practically by mistake, he was carrying out research on vacuum tubes and high voltages, while in his laboratory he also had photographic plates and every time the scientist carried out his experiments, blurred images appeared on these plates. Through much trial and error, it was discovered that he could visualize high-density tissue. X-rays in space X-rays, being part of the light spectrum, can be found in space as emissions from celestial objects and are often a problem for astronauts. This type of lightning emits radiation, radiation for which we do not worry on earth since the atmosphere is capable of absorbing a large part of it, however, in space, having the absence of this protection, astronauts depend on another type of tools to survive; from copper covered walls to superconducting magnetic shields and even with these protections there is a time limit that an astronaut can be exposed to this environment, approximately 1 year. This is mainly because the only way in which the human body can purify itself of radiation is with time, a period of rest from continuous exposure is required to eliminate it, and this does not remove the increased risk of developing diseases such as cancer. X-rays in medicine In medicine, this type of light allows to see tissue with high density such as bones and is achieved through the use of medical devices such as CT scanners, hemodynamics or C-Arms. These devices have an X-ray tube which is responsible for sufficient energy for the creation of X-rays. Similar to the Crookes tube, these x-ray generating tubes are under vacuum and exposed to high voltages in order to fire electrodes with high energy levels, which create what we know as x-rays. The science behind X-rays both on Earth and in space is quite complex, this article is only an introductory text for each of these branches that X-rays encompass. However, it is necessary to remember that x-rays are radiation, and the human being cannot be exposed to it for long periods of time, either on Earth or in space.
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February 2025